Thursday, May 15, 2008

Art of Negotiating!

FATHER - picked a great girl to marry you.
SON- But, Dad, I prefer to choose my wife.
FATHER - My son, she is daughter of Bill Gates ...
SON- Well, in this case, I agree.
Then, the father negotiate , go find the Bill Gates.
FATHER - Bill, I have a husband for your daughter!
BILL GATES - But my daughter is too young to marry!
FATHER - This Guy is vice president of the World Bank ...
BILL GATES - in this case, so good.
Finally, the father went negotiate to the President of the World Bank.
FATHER - Mr. President, I have a couple recommended to be vice president of the World Bank.
PRES. WORLD BANK - But I already have many vice presidents, more than is necessary.
FATHER - Men, Sr., this couple is son-in-law of Bill Gates.
PRES. WORLD BANK - in this case it can even start tomorrow!

The moral of the story: There is no negotiation lost. Everything depends on the strategy.

'If one day say that their work is not a professional, remember: the Noah's Ark was built by amateurs; professionals built the Titanic ...'

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